Saturday, October 9, 2010

our precious baby boy

This was my second pregnancy. With my first I had preterm but was able to keep her in until 37 weeks. She came out weighing 7.3 and healthy. When she was 2 months old we learned she was having seizures after having an eeg. We then went for a MRI and it came back fine. She is 5 now and has outgrown them. I learned I was pregnant again in nov 09'. I cried because of all the trouble with my first. I went to every ob appointment never missing one, exercised, and ate healthier. I had placenta previa at 14 weeks which was watched very carefully and it resolved. My mom passed away when i was 5 months pregnant so i was under stress but i kept going for my children. The morning of 6-16 i went to the bathroom at about 5 am and heard a pop. I just knew (i was induced with my first ending in a c-section) my water had broke. It was clear and not green like my firstborns. I thought I was gonna have an easy delivery this time. I got to the hospital at 6 and was in the OR by 7. My baby boy was born at 7:25 at 36 weeks and weighing 6.10. He was beautiful and crying his lungs out. I went to the recovery room but didn't stay long. I wondered why but no one would answer me. When they wheeled me out past the nursery to go to my room my baby boy was laying under an oxygen tent. They told me his O2 was dropping and they couldn't get it up so he was being transferred to a larger hospital with a nicu. The "baby buggy" came and got him and I was blessed that day to get a compassionate care transfer. When I got there I went to see him and told them right away he was having seizures. They told me they didn't think so but I had seen his type because my daughter also had them. They ran an eeg and lo and behold mommy was right. They did an Mri and i truly believed it would come out ok as my daughters did. The Nicu nurses told us the neuro people wanted to talk to us and I just knew something wasn't right. They asked if we wanted to leave the NNICU to talk and i said no that's ok (big mistake). The neuro man said your son has had a very large right stroke on the right side of his brain. I broke down. All that kept going through my head was the whys, wills, and what ifs. I couldn't understand it. Older people have strokes NOT babies or so i thought. i had never heard of a baby having a stroke but apparently they are common. we were very lucky to catch it in the first week of life. My lil man also has mineralcorticoid deficiency (his body doesn't produce salt like it should) so we are on lots of different meds. I love my son and wouldn't change anything about him for the world but I want to raise awareness about neonatal strokes!! So I will be writing about our challenges over time.